Aroma of Art is a silent auction sponsored by Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse (TFB). ALL proceeds benefit three nonprofits, Council on Adolescents of Catawba County, Women's Resource Center, and the Hickory Soup Kitchen.

Visit TFB's New Websites!
Call the coffeehouse for more info: 828-855-7688

To become a sponsor of Aroma of Art, please click here to download the sponsorship form.

To become a donating artist, please click here to download the Call for Art brochure.


Wolf Song Studio

Sandi Baker is the other half of Wolf Song Studio. Sandi and JW Baker have a long history with the Hickory arts community and their artwork often reflects their love and reverence for nature and spirit. Sandi and JW both serve on the board of the Wolf Sanctum in Bakersville, NC and many of her paintings express her love for the wolves that reside there.

What is your background/how did you get started in your medium?

I am self-taught, and I work in many mediums. I started airbrushing when I was a teenager. I was interested in vehicle graphics and murals at the time and taught myself to airbrush. I started doing work for friends immediately and by the time I was 19 I opened my own sign business. I always airbrushed and did personal fine art on the side, hoping one day to be able to concentrate solely on fine art.

What effect are you trying to have on people through your art?

Mostly I hope to communicated on a level beyond words, to move the viewer, to inspire.

What drew you to your particular medium?

The airbrush seemed like it was just meant for me - I just knew it would work for me.

Who were your mentors/inspiring artists as you began to discover your art?

Sign painters, usually those featured in trade magazines. I didn't have mentors as such but I always greatly admired the work of other artists. I have found almost every work of art created by other artists to be inspiring in one way or another.

What was your first piece of art you created and what inspired it?

I really don't know the first piece, but I used to sit in the pasture and draw horses for hours on end. Horses were my first love and first serious subject.

What are some of your favorite projects?

Of mine? The Spirit Catchers are fun to create, and I enjoy the wide range of reactions from those who view them. I like working with the wood and painting on leather. Each one is a surprise upon completion.

What are you working on right now?

A series of wildlife paintings that incorporate gold leaf. I am leaning towards a more surreal, illusionary style.

My work is available for sale at our website,, and JW and I show our work at Taste Full Beans throughout the year as well as other locations in Hickory and elsewhere. May 15 is the Wolf Creek Rendezvous up in Banner Elk. Wolf Song Studio and other artists will be there from 10:00 to 5:00 with our work for sale.

Sandi has several pieces donated for the Aroma of Art auction. Please come by Taste Full Beans Coffee House to see her wonderful pieces and the other fantastic pieces of art up for auction through Thursday, March4 - still time to make your bid!

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