Aroma of Art is a silent auction sponsored by Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse (TFB). ALL proceeds benefit three nonprofits, Council on Adolescents of Catawba County, Women's Resource Center, and the Hickory Soup Kitchen.

Visit TFB's New Websites!
Call the coffeehouse for more info: 828-855-7688

To become a sponsor of Aroma of Art, please click here to download the sponsorship form.

To become a donating artist, please click here to download the Call for Art brochure.


The Modern Metal Jewelry of Molli Koltun

Molli Koltun of Modern Metal Jewelry is one of our artists from Asheville who has donated her work to Aroma of Art for the second year. Her specialty is precious metal clay work with a background in metalsmithing and various bead work techniques.

Here are her responses to our artist interview.

What is your background/how did you get started in your medium?

I have been creating in one form or another as long as I can remember. My background includes fine at and metal-smith classes. Since the 1990's I have been making jewelry. I was very curious about metal clay for a long time. I love the idea that metal clay is manufactured from a mixture of recycled metal objects (mainly jewelry). I took one class and was instantly hooked!

What effect are you trying to have on people through your art?

I simply want someone to love and enjoy the piece that they purchase, to know that they have a one of a kind piece.

What drew you to your particular medium?

I was at the point with beading that I wanted to learn something new. I love that metal clay can do things that traditional metal can't and vice versa. I love how a piece can be refined or look organic.

Who were your mentors/inspiring artists as you began to discover your art?

I'd have to say that I really admired the work of Kate McKinnon and Hadar Jacobson. They are amazing artists and very generous with their knowledge.

What was your first piece of art you created and what inspired it?

My first piece of jewelry that I made was a bracelet. I can see every flaw in it now, but people still respond to it.

What are some of your favorite projects?

I love working on pieces that evolve on their own, like my fragments neck piece. I start with one idea and it just takes a turn in a different direction.

What are you working on right now?

To the right is a picture of the last piece that I finished. I am also working on a pendant where I will donate a percentage to benefit breast cancer.

Molli Koltun has donated a wonderful earring and necklace set to the Aroma of Art auction. Bid numbers are still available at Taste Full Beans Coffee House - stop in and see her one of a kind metal work!

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